lauantai 11. helmikuuta 2012

"Pipboy" fallout screen saver for Symbian^3 X

Earlier, we did a couple of screensaver - programs for Symbian^3 devices (no one else could do them back then) and sold them at the OviStore. When Anna version of the Symbian^3 OS was published, all of the screensaver's were broken: Some developer (I think by accident) had raised one capability bit from the screensaverhost making the same requirement for all of the component's used by it (practically all the screensavers). To get this capability an official signing proces was required which would have been too expensive for almost any indie - developer. We didn't have other choise than to take our products out from the store.

New OS version Belle is finally available to all Symbian^3 phones even though it's not coming as "automatic / from the air" - update, but manual "to install whoever knows how" - version. This OS is anyway much better than Anna in several ways one of them being that the capability-bit I was talking about of the screensaverhost has been lowered once again. This makes the screensavers work as well :)

When our product was on the stores we were constantly planning on new products that might interest people. As I was uploading a video into the YouTube for the previous post, i remembered my earlier continuance plan for our ScreenSaver - project. I've loved "fallout"-mythology since Wasteland and my personal opinion is that Fallout- game series have taken the feeling to the top. Since I'm a programmer, .. I really like the user interfaces of computers in these games. All of the terminals are fantastic with their almost ball-like-screen's and poor refresh-rate. Simple and effective.

So. This is not in the OviStore yet and I won't promise it never will be. I just wanted to store these (what i think is cool) videos from the screensaver I wrote here as well:

And another one, with a different run:

The videos have been taken with a desktop computer but the program itself works perfectly on any Symbian^3 and Harmattan device. The program has not yet been integrated with the actual screensaver framework and run's as individual, stand-alone program.

I really like them myself!!

1 kommentti:

  1. I have Nokia C7 with symbian Belle. And I like these Fallout series, since the first Fallout in 1998. I would like to put this screensaver on my phone..
